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Bobbin thread showing on top of design

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  • Bobbin thread showing on top of design

    I have been having bobbin issues. Currently, the bobbin thread is showing on the top of the design at regular intervals. It looks like zebra stripes. The thread has been breaking a lot.

    I wanted to unscrew the needleplate to see if there is a broken needle or thread caught somewhere. Unfortunately, the screw is stripped and I cannot use the allen wrench to remove it. Any suggestions?

    Many thanks for any help.

  • #2
    More info about your settings, fabric, backing etc. would be helpful. Does this happen every time or just with your current project?

    Here's a site with 12 suggestions for removing stripped screws; there's bound to be one that would work for you.
    Today I found out twelve ways to remove a stripped screw.  We’ve all been there; trying to void a warranty or otherwise take something apart and you go to take that one last screw off and invariably it strips.  Now what?  You can either A: Think Hammer… really, really big hammer; or B: Read the list below and pick the [...]


    • #3
      try a different allen wrench or grind yours down a few mm. it may then catch.
      if not put a drop of super glue on the wrench and then put it in the screw head hold it there for a min. and then try and turn it out.
      righty tighty, lefty loosey...remember.
      good luck...
      [email protected]
      Jerome in Minnesota


      • #4
        It's been happening every time and with different needles. I thought maybe it was the pinch feed roller. I put a new one and it still happens.

        I'll have to try one of these tips to get the screw out.


        • #5
          The screw is still stuck. I really don't want try a drill on it.

          I think I really screwed up the machine (Amaya XT). I took off the rotary hook support guard to see if there were nicks on it. I followed the instructions to readjust it and now the bobbin thread isn't even catching at all.

          I even reset the machine by deleting the jobs and machine folders in the program files and powered up with a Force Download. I am so frustrated because it still isn't working.

